
On Advice

Senior columnist Bruce Kelly provides a behind-the-scenes look at firms, personalities and happenings in the financial advice industry.

Displaying 187 results


A convicted felon barred twice from selling securities, this adviser clings to insurance

What does it take for an insurance agent to lose his license?


Banned from selling securities but still hawking insurance

Three salesmen barred for selling the Woodbridge Ponzi scheme still have state licenses to sell insurance


Why advisers are slow to recognize the world moving toward ESG

Wealth managers need education to learn differences between ESG and SRI


3 big themes for RIAs in 2020

David Canter of Fidelity talks about where the independent adviser is heading as we embark on a new decade


It’s 2020, and the chase for big commissions is back

The financial advice industry is priming the pump to increase sales of high-commission products


Adding value during health insurance open enrollment

Michael Policar carves out a niche helping clients navigate their health insurance plan options.


Healthy clients will avoid medical costs

Kenneth Waltzer's top retirement strategy is to help his clients stay healthy.


The fight over who owns the client comes to RIAs

Mercer Global Advisors sues adviser who jumped to a competitor.


A crisis of confidence surrounds GPB Capital

The latest setback is a lawsuit from an auto dealer who sold a majority stake in his company to GPB and accuses the firm of 'a massive securities fraud.'


Nick Schorsch returns to public view, this time to settle up with the SEC

After keeping a low profile for past few years, one-time REIT czar re-emerges to face consequences for past wrongdoing.


Wall Street is going RIA-ish

Big firms creating business models that kinda, sorta, look like an RIA for advisers.


What does it mean when superstar breakaway brokers bolt again?

The decision by the Luminous team to leave First Republic could have far-reaching repercussions for the entire advice industry.


Bob Oros opens up about HighTower’s aggressive growth strategy

CEO expects acquisitions to continue over the summer.


Private equity loves IBDs, but will that last?

Three big acquisitions in less than a year signals renewed life in the formerly beleaguered industry.


Is time running out for advisers who sold GPB private placements?

GPB Capital is now a year late in making important financial information public. Finra could discipline brokers who sold the private placement.


Air Force veteran-turned-adviser clashes with First Command

Adviser seeks $10 million in damages in dispute over copyrighted sales materials.


Wells Fargo could be putting more of its focus on wealth management

Speculation is mounting that the bank is dumping some lines of business to focus on just a few areas, including financial advice.


Merrill Lynch cross-selling hits the market

The firm is luring clients by reducing interest rates on mortgages by as much as half a percent.


Cross-selling can be lucrative — and dangerous — for big brokerages

Merrill embraces it, while Wells Fargo has moved away from the practice.


Will big recruiting bonuses move reps to these firms in 2019?

Wells Fargo Advisors, LPL Financial and Cetera Financial Group are dangling deals.