
On Recruiting

Veteran brokerage recruiter Danny Sarch offers his inside, candid point-of-view on movements in the broker-dealer industry.

Displaying 119 results


How to protect yourself from bad clients

In today's regulatory environment, every adviser is guilty until proven innocent.


Brokers: Either move toward a fiduciary standard or have it forced upon you

Being on the side of the argument that says you do not have to act in the best interests of your client is laughable.


How the DOL fiduciary rule could affect financial adviser recruiting

Here are some ramifications the new rule may have on adviser movement in the industry.


Lesson from Bank of America settlement with Merrill Lynch trainees: Long hours required to make it

If the firm's executives expected trainees to work long hours without being compensated for their overtime, then they deserved to lose the lawsuit.


Recruiter questions Merrill Lynch’s client retention numbers

Wirehouse recently claimed it typically retains 40%-50% of client assets after an adviser leaves.


The biggest teams are not going independent for financial reasons

Policies and procedures which, when layered upon already onerous rules and regulations, fail to recognize advisers' years of experience and wisdom.


4 adviser recruiting predictions for the year ahead

What the state of adviser recruiting might look like in 2016, from the wirehouses to the independent space


It’s the time of year when wirehouses tinker with adviser pay plans

Firms need to think differently as the arms race in upfront money continues unabated.


What’s ahead for the broker recruiting protocol in an age of generational transition?

The question of who 'owns' the client becomes key as firms seek to 'marry' younger advisers to their older colleagues.


On a Day of Mourning, We All Can Use a Laugh

Today is another anniversary of 9/11 and we all remember where we were on that horrible morning. I…


Sarch: Morgan Stanley 3D, almost a year later

I have teenage girls. They are wonderful kids and I am sure that many of you share some…


When your firm costs you clients, Part 1

Cross-selling may sound like a good idea, but lousy service can send customers packing


Two dentists drill down into bonus-disclosure controversy

So the commentary window on Finra’s proposal to mandate that departing advisers inform their clients about incentives to…


Scandal does lead to adviser attrition — but not right away

Attention media: Connecting today's news to today's defections ignores the logistics of the business


Sarch: Full disclosure on recruiting incentives? Bring it on!

Full disclosure on recruiting packages? Bring it on!


The strange tale of Mr. C. Bank and Mr. M. Stanley

Mr. C. Bank owned a hotel that was the envy of the rest of the Street. Falling upon…


Sarch: Behind the defection infection at MSSB

In the near future, the Smith Barney name will disappear below the horizon, following its culture which has…


The end game: Why every adviser needs a ‘go bag’

Very few advisers prepare for possible termination by their firm. Here are three precautions to take before things turn ugly at work.


MSSB woes now in 3D

Roll out of new technology problem sees plenty of glitches; large undertaking


New wirehouse math: Inside the numbers

Let’s say you’re running your own sales force. You have a certain number of salespeople and a certain…