
On Recruiting

Veteran brokerage recruiter Danny Sarch offers his inside, candid point-of-view on movements in the broker-dealer industry.

Displaying 119 results


My dinner with three unhappy advisers, Part 1

I had dinner in Manhattan recently with three advisers, all friends, who are now at three different firms.


Three top reasons why advisers change firms

I was listening to a news station recently and the business segment gave the top three reasons why…


Confidentiality when interviewing: Don’t blow your deal

The rest of the world is a two week notice world.


Cold calling brokers are still hurting the entire industry’s reputation

Cold calling, as a method for bringing in new accounts, appears to be live and well.


Morgan Stanley Smith Barney: A Tale of Two "Lifers"

One of the joys of doing this job for as long as I have (26 years) is following…


Recruiting wars at the wirehouses: Mid-year review

While those of us who are mired deep in the minutia of the recruiting wars feel that the…


Big recruiting deals in AdviserLand: What’s going on?

Monday’s Wall Street Journal had an article about B of A/Merrill Lynch increasing their deals for recruits at…


Study This: Why a Fiduciary Standard Will STILL Come Up Short

Brokers are only required to sell financial products to clients that are “suitable” to their investment needs. Registered…


Institutional arrogance at MSSB?

Michael Simonds departed Morgan Stanley Smith Barney for Merrill Lynch this week. Simonds was a branch manager at…


Merrill Lynch: Culture change or just the latest innovation?

For all of my 26 years as a headhunter, Merrill Lynch has been the most stable wealth management…


Clarification for indie advisers: Time to raise your benchmarks

Note to independent advisers: It's time to measure yourselves against a bigger stick.


Why wirehouse advisors think independent brokers are a joke

Yesterday’s Investment News had an article entitled: “Broker-Dealer Breakdown: Reps Producing > 100K as percentage of total reps”.


Fleeing the Wirehouse: Will the Big firms be able to change to meet the challenge?

In December 2008, according to Discovery Database, 981 Wirehouse Advisors moved. This was the height of the panicked…


Like Toyota, damage control could backfire on Goldman

Let the whole story out, come clean with what happened, and you might come out of this with your reputation and franchise intact.


Do Firms Sue When They Are Afraid to Compete?

How can an Advisor or a Firm "own" someone else's money?


‘Garden leave’ policies are absurd

In the old days (pre 2004), firms would sue each other when an Advisor went from one firm to the other.


Should I Stay or Should I Go?

As more Branch Managers pick up and move to another firm, more and more Advisors are quoting the…


Recruiting tug of war: The internal brokerage battle

Within the individual brokerage firms, there is an ongoing tug of war going on. On one side are Branch Managers who are put under pressure to hire.


Morgan Stanley <del>Smith Barney</del>

One year later, it's clear who's running the show