
On Recruiting

Veteran brokerage recruiter Danny Sarch offers his inside, candid point-of-view on movements in the broker-dealer industry.

Displaying 119 results


Some Quotas Are Back

Though the industry has been transformed, some old mistakes are being made again


It’s Payout Change Season!

Your payout is never as simple as it seems


If You Are a $350,000 Wire House Producer……

There is no Big Deal for you right now at a Big Firm. Time to get pragmatic.


The End of the Andrew Hall Saga

Shareholders Lose, Taxpayers Lose


Everyone Should Have a "Plan B"

Remember a year ago? Worst case scenarios DO happen.


Good People Have Options

Both good companies and troubled companies have some lessons to learn


Arrogance Is Out

A CEO of one of the independent brokerage shops told me a story the other day.


Attention Good Advisors: I want to know YOUR story

The Bad Advisors and outright crooks always grab the headlines; time to strike back.


Warning: Hubris Brings Down the Best of the Best

If it happened to Federer, it could happen to you


Does Loyalty Have a Place on "Wall Street"?

I got an e-mail from a Branch Manager who read my blog on culture: “Sarch, you missed the…


What is "culture" at a company anyway?

Can you keep that "culture" intact with so many changes happening within the organization?


A Conversation in Sarch’s office. In 2016. (Part 1)

Hold onto your books. Because Management is not what is used to be--Or will be.


Wirehouse Woes

The Four Remaining Wire Houses Will Succeed or Fail Based on How Well They Address These Three Things


Note to Compensation Czar: The Best Performers ALWAYS Have Choices

Top earners are being given a major reason to look elsewhere


Krawcheck in; Sontag Out

Is this a good trade for Merrill Advisors?


Contract Renege? Say it Ain’t so!

Andrew Hall is a Trader at Phibro, a division of Citicorp. Apparently, he is an extraordinarily successful trader…


Fire, reload, Re-Hire

Wow, I read this morning that Merrill Lynch has already started aggressively hiring trainee Financial Advisors


Whatever happened to confidentiality?

I see more and more articles appearing in the press about Big Meetings. That is, Very Important CEO…


Myths, lies and recruiting truisms

Veteran recruiter Danny Sarch kicks off his exclusive InvestmentNews blog by debunking what passes for conventional wisdom in the world of broker and adviser hiring.