
Joe Duran

Joe Duran is head of Goldman Sachs Personal Financial Management. You can follow him at @DuranMoney.

Displaying 112 results


When Envestnet and Apple pivoted

They're two totally different companies, but they share an interesting and useful strategy.


Growth is a must, but watch out for the trap

In our rapidly evolving world, what was good enough for a business yesterday is not good enough today.


Making a resolution (and a plan) that is built to last

Many financial plans are flawed because advisers don't get enough clarity about the intention and purpose behind people's priorities.


Biggest events for advisers last year

Key news for the wealth management industry included the Edelman-Financial Engines merger, the Focus Financial IPO and the seller's market in RIAs


Stop asking for referrals. You’re better than that

Offer your help, rather than asking for a referral, and make that offer to people with whom you have a genuine connection.


Learning from the woes of Sears, General Electric

Instead of continuing to think big, both companies dismissed the competitive forces that were chipping away at their business models.


Is artificial intelligence the next bitcoin?

While AI is far away, machine learning has arrived — but few advisory firms have the data needed to make use of it.


The trillion dollar club: How to be a growth superstar

Here's what great growth firms know: There's no better time to change than when everything is going well.


Time or money: Which is more important?

Time is the other major limited resource in life, yet few manage it with the same discipline with which we manage money.


The problem with goals

Keep in mind that clients' goals will change and life is unpredictable.