

Displaying 1937 results


Prepping your firm for sale

Owners who want to sell must do their homework and put in the difficult effort to prepare for sale


What was NAPFA thinking?

Bert Whitehead's exit suggests NAPFA can't stand disagreement in its upper ranks


Momentum building on tax reform

As senators invite the public to contact them with ideas on tax reform, advisers should speak up


An important truth about the adviser-client relationship: Your clients own you

Clients are yours to lose, so provide good advice to your clients will stick around


Catch the impact investing wave now

It's surprising that most advisers remain agnostic about impact investing, even while client demand grows.


Heading to court, but which one?

Increasing transparency would go a long way in deflecting criticism that the SEC steers cases to its owns judges


The loudest shouldn’t speak for everyone

Time for advisers to tell industry groups pushing hard against a fiduciary rule that they're tired of the rhetoric — and that they're not acting in advisers' best interests.

  • February 23, 2015

Banner year for enforcement, SEC’s Andrew Ceresney says

The following is an edited excerpt of a speech given Nov. 21 by Andrew Ceresney, director of the…


What’s good for individual investors is good for the whole industry

The financial industry must take every action it can to weed out bad actors and rebuild investor confidence, including beefing up background checks for brokers.


Have protocols in place to secure access to client data

When it comes to the client data for which you're responsible, protecting clients' privacy and finances must come first.