

Displaying 1937 results


In unity there is strength

Relying on a custodian — no matter how well intentioned — to take the lead in lobbying is not a sound idea


Chasing performance is too risky

Time for advisers with clients whose portfolios are near a peak in stocks to preach caution.

  • February 8, 2015

How to engage both members of a couple

Talk to the man, talk to the man, nod to the woman,” Sallie Krawcheck said in a recent…

  • February 5, 2015

Adviser enforcement must involve real due process

The following is an edited version of a speech given by SEC Commissioner Michael S. Piwowar Oct. 14…


Responding to regulators’ focus on fees

Advisers need to ensure they aren't taking advantage of their clients, either intentionally or unintentionally, and must explain and justify their fees.


Clients may need hand-holding this tax season

The IRS should re-examine its budgetary priorities and direct more of its shrinking resources to taxpayer guidance and assistance

  • January 27, 2015

Schwab’s robo move puts advisers on alert

Reporter Mason Braswell’s story “Schwab preps robo offering” about Charles Schwab Corp.’s likely entrance into the online…


Put your plan in place today

There's no reason for advisers to put off making continuity and succession plans, especially now that regulators are taking notice.


Obama’s tax proposals fall short

Some of the president's tax plans likely will give nightmares to the clients of financial advisers.


MetLife’s challenge a plus, win or lose

Win or lose, Met-Life’s decision to challenge its designation as a systemically import- ant financial institution by the…