
Retirement Watch

Displaying 175 results

  • September 17, 2013

Preparing retirees for QE tapering

There’s no question that the current investing environment is challenging for those -managing retirement portfolios. Stocks are hitting…

  • September 8, 2013

Social Security earnings limit clarified

B y now, most InvestmentNews readers know that collecting Social Security benefits before full retirement age while…


Higher earnings limit applies at 66

My recent column on how the Social Security earnings cap is applied during the first year of retirement…


Why you should stop your health savings contributions when Medicare begins

Medicare enrollment mandatory for Social Security recipients age 65+


Health care will take center stage

The implementation of the Affordable Care Act provides a perfect opportunity to discuss with clients how they will…


Prepare for the dreaded drawdown

Take steps now to soften the impact on your bottom line as your boomer clients spend their assets.


Coaxing boomers to keep investing

Advisers must convince clients they need assets besides cash and fixed income to sustain retirement


Designing 401(k)s that really work

When “Frontline” aired “The Retirement Gamble,” its controversial feature on retirement investing, it caused a firestorm of reaction…


Mary Beth Franklin: Change the conversation about retirement planning

Every financial adviser knows that one of the best ways to minimize investment risk is to diversify among…


Flexibility key to retirement planning

A safe withdrawal rate changes with market conditions and the lifestyle goals of the client


On Retirement: Fewer, better retirement income designations needed

I applaud the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s recent report warning that the proliferation of sometimes-questionable senior certifications and…


Options abound for income-seekers

With rates at historic lows, investors can't rely only on bonds but also must look at equities

  • March 17, 2013

How to figure out a retirement budget

Breaking down expenses into essential and discretionary needs is a start to arriving at "the number'


Seeking income in a low-rate world

Dividend-paying stocks, bank loans, short-term Treasuries also can provide an inflation hedge


Congress gives Roth 401(k)s new life

As the curtain came down on 2012, most investors assumed that with it went the best opportunity for…


Why singles should not claim Social Security at 66

New research refutes conventional wisdom.

  • January 6, 2013

Five ways to strengthen the 401(k)

As the nation’s retirement population continues to grow, 401(k)s have become a target of critics who contend that…


The case for fixed-indexed annuities

So far this year, somewhere around $34 billion worth of fixed-indexed annuities have found their way into Americans’…

  • December 7, 2012

Health care planning a key element

Few issues in American life generate higher anxiety than rising health care costs. This year's presidential election, for…